Dear all,
I’m delighted to announce the launch of the ‘Birmingham BPC Women’s Network’. We hope to organise a few social events a year for female BPC practitioners and the female judiciary who sit in the Birmingham BPC (full and part time).
Our first event will be for female MCCBA members and the female judiciary, held at No5 Chambers, 103 Colmore Row, Birmingham from 5pm on 6 November 2024.
HHJ Emma Kelly, who has supported me making this idea a reality, will say a few introductory words, and we will have drinks, refreshments and an opportunity to socialise and get to know each other better. We hope the events will promote a sense of inclusivity for women working in our practice area and we aim, over time, to boost retention rates for women.
I really hope that lots of you will support this first event. It would be great to get a really strong turn out.
Please rsvp (for the purposes of understanding catering needs) to me directly at (please note the gender neutral change to the email address!!)
Best wishes,
Louise Corfield
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